You love essential oils! Could an aromatherapy class help you make better blends?
If you’ve discovered essential oils, you know what a game changer they are!
Aromatherapy is empowering. You might already be using essential oils for emotional support, to purify your home, to boost immune health, soothe your skin, care for your kids, and more
But being passionate about essential oils doesn’t automatically mean you’ll be able to make safe, effective blends that get the results you want. (Think of it this way: just because you can go to a grocery store, doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be able to cook a good meal from scratch. That still takes training.)

How do you know if it’s time to take an aromatherapy class?
Below you’ll find 6 common signs that you’re ready for an aromatherapy class, and discover a free class you can start with.
Here are 6 signs you’re ready for an aromatherapy class
1. You’re not sure which essential oils to use.
Different essential oils should be used for different purposes. That’s because each oil has its own unique chemistry, and it’s the chemical constituents of an oil that determine its physical and emotional effects.
Aromatics International has over 150 essential oils in our online store. That’s a big selection! Knowing which oil or carrier oil to use for what, why it works, and how to safely use it does require education.
Start with our learning guide: A beginners guide to using essential oils safely and effectively. And consider a beginner-level aromatherapy course to learn which essential oils to use and when.
2. You’re confused about essential oil info online.
At first glance, it seems like a quick online search turns up a ton of essential oil content. That’s why it’s so tempting to believe that you don’t really need an aromatherapy course, or that you can navigate all of the material online without a dedicated aromatherapy program.
While it may be shared by well-meaning people, these resources are not always based in science or research. The “facts,” “advice,” and “recipes” they share are sometimes ineffective, or even unsafe.
Without aromatherapy education, it’s impossible to spot this misinformation for yourself. The result could be using essential oils in ways that don’t work, or even causing serious negative reactions, like phototoxic burns, sensitization, and headaches.
3. You’re not always confident that your essential oil blends will work.
Have you ever used an essential oil and wondered why it didn’t seem to work? Nothing can sink your confidence faster! More often than not, the reason this happens is simply that you haven’t chosen the correct oil for your needs, or you’ve used your essential oils in an ineffective way.

For example, did you know there are different types of lavender? Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and spike lavender (Lavandula latifolia) are both in the “Lavandula” genus, and both have beautiful floral aromas, but they’re distinct essential oils that will create dramatically different blends. Lavender is famously relaxing, while spike lavender is actually more energizing.
Taking a beginner level aromatherapy class can help you master the fundamentals, building your confidence and skills from the ground up. You’ll notice more consistent success with your blends.
4. You want to understand why essential oils work.
You've heard tea tree oil is supposed to be excellent for natural cleaning. Is that true, and if so… why?
And it’s well-known that eucalyptus is one of the top oils for breathing. Again... why?
Understanding some basic essential oil science can help you make more effective blends and apply essential oils to your life and others in a quality way. It also means you’ll have reliable information to share with friends or relatives when they ask you how essential oils work. (Not having reliable, provable information can seriously affect your confidence.)
With science-based essential oil therapy classes, you’ll discover how simple it is to understand essential oil chemistry in practical, everyday ways.
5. You want to use essential oils for your family.
Shifting to a more natural lifestyle honors the planet while supporting your family’s wellbeing.
Essential oils can play a big role in that shift! You can use them in your aromatherapy practice to make products for cleaning, immune health, caring for kids, calming minor aches, and more. Your natural products can reduce your family’s exposure to harsh substances that can cause health issues, such as allergies.
If you want your natural homemade products to be effective for your family, start with essential oil education.
6. You want to start a small business with essential oils.
Owning your own aromatherapy business is a big reason to take an aromatherapy class! (And then another class, and another, and another . . . there’s so much to know about essential oils!)
Taking classes means:
- Your blends will be more effective
- Your advice to others will be on target
- Your products & advice will be safe
- You’ll become a trusted, reliable resource for your clients
Developing a knowledge of safe, use of essential oils, effective blending, carrier oils, and essential oil science will set you apart in a crowded field. Your clients will take note of your dedication to facts and research, and will respect you more for it.
With aromatherapy and aromatic studies becoming more popular, there’s no shortage of careers you can thrive in! Learn about Aromahead's aromatherapy certification program and career opportunities—and meet real, working Aromahead graduates—by clicking here. Find the best aromatherapy courses for you!
Aromahead Institute's aromatherapy certification program is a great online learning resource if you want to learn at your own pace. Successful completion of their organized and quality online aromatherapy certification process ensures you have the knowledge at your disposal to make a career out of a passion for aromatherapy.
Free aromatherapy course to get started!
Aromahead Institute is one of the world’s leading essential oil schools, with aromatherapy courses for everyone from beginners, all the way up through Certified Aromatherapists and health professionals looking to advance their careers.
Aromatherapy 101
Start making the most of every drop in your essential oil collection! Learn tangible methods you can use right away to get more out of your oils, from tips on how to use essential oils safely to basic essential oil science. You'll also learn all about a proven path toward increased confidence, credibility, and opportunity as a certified aromatherapist!
Additional aromatherapy classes to check out
Already know you want to learn everything you can about essential oils? Here are some other courses to check out!
Use our clickable guide to find the best aromatherapy class for you! Whether you want to use oils for your family, start a business, make decadent body butters, or become a Certified Aromatherapist through an aromatherapy certification course, you’ll find popular, science-based classes that fit into your schedule. Learning is a life-long commitment and we have lot of course material to support your continuing education!