Blending Essential Oils Made Easy: The Wellness Number System

Crafting your own blends is such a fun, empowering, and rewarding experience. Sometimes, however, knowing exactly which oils to reach...
Blending Essential Oils Made Easy: The Wellness Number System - Aromatics International

Crafting your own blends is such a fun, empowering, and rewarding experience. Sometimes, however, knowing exactly which oils to reach for when creating blends for specific intentions or seeking equivalent substitutions can be a little intimidating. It can take years of experience blending essential oils before one feels comfortable enough to just grab the right oils without having to spend a lot of time researching first.

Thankfully, Aromatics International created an innovative system of categorization that can help make safe, effective blending and substituting easier, faster, and— for those new to the world of blending essential oils— a lot less daunting. We call these remarkably helpful categories the Wellness Number system, and they are perfect starting points for helping you choose the right oils (and hydrosols) for whatever purpose you need, no matter your experience level.

What is the Wellness Number System?

Aromatics International worked with several leading experts in the field of aromatherapy to group all of our 150+ essential oils and hydrosols into 8 categories based on their primary therapeutic and energetic usage. Each category was assigned a number and the term Wellness Number was born.

We include the Wellness Number on the label of every bottle. This not only helps with fast identification and selection but can also help you keep your collection of oils organized! With the help of the Wellness Number system, blending essential oils has never been easier!

Wellness Number Categories

Based on the most popular therapeutic and energetic uses most often sought after in aromatherapy, we created 8 Wellness Number categories:

1 Balance:

Promotes balance and offers serenity to the body, mind, and spirit.

Includes oils like:

  • Lavender Oil
  • Patchouli Oil
  • Rose Absolute Oil
  • Rosewood Oil
  • Ylang Ylang (Complete) Oil

    2 Breathe:

    Promotes the clearing and opening of the respiratory system as well as the mind and spirit.

    Includes oils like:

  • Eucalyptus Globulus Oil
  • Pinyon Pine Oil
  • Ravintsara Oil
  • Fragonia Oil
  • Cajeput Oil

    3 Relieve:

    Supports pain and inflammation management in the body, while also helping to relieve the mind and spirit during times of physical discomfort.

    Includes oils like:

  • Chamomile German Oil (Nepal)
  • Helichrysum italicum Oil (Croatia)
  • Cedarwood Oil
  • Turmeric Oil

    4 Purify:

    Supports the body as it fights off infection, while also helping to purify and revive the mind and spirit.

    Includes oils like:

  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Thyme (Benchmark) Oil
  • Lemon Oil
  • Grapefruit (Rose) Oil
  • Lime Oil

    5 Digest:

    Supports the digestive system, while also helping the mind and spirit process unsettling thoughts or experiences and regain steadiness.

    Includes oils like: 

  • Orange (Sweet) Oil
  • Peppermint Oil
  • Cardamom Oil
  • Ginger Oil
  • Mandarin (Red) Oil

    6 Ease:

    Supports the body in quieting muscle spasms and cramping as well as helps to quiet the mind and spirit during times of physical distress.

    Includes oils like:

  • Chamomile Roman Oil
  • Bergamot Oil
  • Clary Sage Oil
  • Tarragon Oil
  • Marjoram (Sweet) Oil

    7 Complexion:

    Promotes healing, clearing, and nourishing of skin, while also offering healing and calming nourishment for the mind and spirit.

    Includes oils like:

  • Frankincense Oil
  • Myrrh Oil
  • Carrot Seed Oil

    8 Circulate:

    Supports healthy circulation in the body as well as clearing and unblocking stagnant thinking and feeling of mind and spirit.

    Includes oils like:

  • Cypress Oil
  • Geranium Oil
  • Juniper Berry Oil
  • Laurel Leaf Oil

    Blending Essential Oils with the Wellness Number System

    Our goal was to create a system that could help everyone, no matter their experience level. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned aromatherapist, these expertly-categorized groups can prove useful in many ways.

    Here are a few ways the Wellness Number system can help:

    Quickly and easily choose the right oil for an intended purpose. Wellness Number categories serve as excellent quick-reference points for determining primary usages of your oils. If you want to craft a blend to help open up the airways but aren’t sure which oils are best, you can reference the BREATHE (Wellness Number 2) category and take your pick from those oils.

      Find an effective substitute for an oil. If you have a recipe you’d like to blend, but you may not have one of the oils or perhaps cannot use one due to allergies or other reasons, you can figure out which oil would make an effective substitute by choosing one from the same Wellness Number group.

        Help keep your collection organized. If you want to keep your oils organized by main therapeutic usage, you can group all of the like Wellness Number oils together, making it super easy to find one when looking for a specific purpose, such as to clean an owie (4 - PURIFY) or soothe a sore muscle (6 - EASE).

          Ensure your plant-based medicinal arsenal is well rounded. By organizing your oils by Wellness Number, you can determine what oils you may want to add to your collection to broaden and expand your collection. We recommend having at least a few from each category!

            Of course, we always encourage further study and personal exploration into every one of the oils that you want to use. Essential oils are so deeply nuanced. Not only do they often have several therapeutic and energetic benefits, but some can have a few safety precautions, as well. By no means is this system meant to replace familiarizing yourself with each of your oils.

            Learn More

            At Aromatics International, love to share our knowledge and our Blog and Recipes sections are growing all the time. Be sure to check back often and follow us on your favorite social media apps! After all, who doesn’t love to learn as much as possible about this beautiful, vast world of aromatherapy?

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            Karen Williams


            Hi, my name is Karen Williams. As a professional aromatherapist, I love to create amazing blends that inspire and promote a healthier lifestyle. I got my start many years ago as a registered nurse working in the hospital system. But along the way I knew something was missing. I wanted to help people more holistically. Then, I discovered essential oils, and my approach to life changed forever. Now, I’ve made it my mission to share what I’ve learned about aromatherapy with my friends, family, and the world. Because - life is so much better with health, happiness, and community. 

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