Essential Oil Recipes
Over 400+ essential oil recipes crafted to support your wellness.
cypress essential oil
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Cypress Essential Oil - Essential Oil Recipes
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Stillness for Anxious Thoughts Roll-On
Roll on this calming blend to steady your soul, ease your m...
Release the Past Diffuser Blend
Release your worries and embrace the future!
Oily Skin Facial Oil
Promote a healthy complexion that fights unwanted oil with ...
Oily Skin Toning Spray
Promote a healthy complexion that fights unwated oil with t...
Oily Skin Face Wash
Promote a healthy complexion that fights unwanted oil with ...
Adrenal Travel Support Lotion
Encourage healthy adrenal support.
Ease Those Joints Oil
Soothe and warm uncomfortable cool swelling.
Grieving a Loss Oil
Bring comfort to the heart and soul.
Cold & Cough Buster Diffuser Blend
Restore airway and lung function during a cold or flu.
Purifying Conifer Diffuser Blend
Bring the scent of the woods into your home with these grou...
Circulate Those Fluids Lotion
Encourage fluid and lymph movement.
Cold Season Diffuser Blend
Support your immune system and promote healthy breathing.
10% Off Bundled Savings
Explore over 400+ FREE DIY aromatherapy recipes, and take advantage of 10% bundled savings when you add all ingredients & supplies to your cart!