crafted by aromatherapy experts

Essential Oil Recipes

Over 400+ essential oil recipes crafted to support your wellness.

fragonia essential oil


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Fragonia Essential Oil - Essential Oil Recipes

New to Old

Citrus Immune Support Lotion

With clementine as the the star, this immune support blend ...

Good Night's Rest Lotion

This beautiful blend is so helpful when needing to get a go...

Healthy Travels Inhaler

Fight against germs with this inhaler blend and arrive at y...

Breathe Deeper Inhaler

Support healthy lungs and sinuses while restoring clarity.

Allergy Calming Roll-on

Ease and calm allergy symptoms.


10% Off Bundled Savings

Explore over 400+ FREE DIY aromatherapy recipes, and take advantage of 10% bundled savings when you add all ingredients & supplies to your cart!